Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Logistics & Supply Chain Management

May 8, 2023 2:15 PM
Green LogisticsSupply Chain ManagementBig Data AnayticsRobotic Process Automation


Japanese Global Logistics & Supply Chain Concepts

Data Analytics

Machine Learning
Power BI

Strategies for Managing Supply Chains

The Supply Chain
Competitive Advantage
Leveraging Logistics and SC Activities
The Marketing and Logistics Interface
Customers in the Stakeholder Concept
Market-Driven SC
Value Chain Integration with External and Internal Environments
Supply Chain Design Concepts
Demand and Supply in SC Strategy
Segmentation, Functional and Innovative products
Lean versus Agile
Supply Chain Dynamics
Sales and Operations S&OP
Vendor Management Inventory
Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment
Lean Thinking

Green Logistics

Sustainable development
What is Green Logistics?
External Impacts of Logistics
UN Climate Change Conference
Carbon Reporting and Management
Carbon Labelling and Offsetting
Conventional versus Circular Supply Chain
Green Logistics Paradox
Logistics Decarbonizing
Reducing energy from logistics operations
Green Warehousing
Reverse Logistics
City Logistics

Freight Transport & Warehouse Management

Introduction to Freight Transport
Challenges for Freight Transport


Digital Transformation Journey in Contract Logistics
Coming Soon (1)Coming Soon (1)