Filters and Layers

In process exploration, the concepts of "filters" and "layers" are essential for understanding, analyzing, and optimizing processes effectively. Both techniques help in decluttering and focusing on specific parts of the process, allowing for a more in-depth and targeted analysis.

Filters in Process Exploration:

Filters are used to select and display only specific parts of the process or data that meet certain criteria, while hiding the rest. This is especially useful when dealing with vast amounts of data in large-scale processes.

Uses of Filters:

  1. Event Selection: Only focus on particular events or activities within the process.
  2. Time Frame: Analyze process events that occurred within a specific time range.
  3. Resource-based: Focus on tasks performed by a specific department, team, or individual.
  4. Case Attributes: Analyze based on specific case characteristics, such as high-value transactions or those involving specific products.
  5. Path Frequency: Only display process paths that occur more than a specific number of times.

Benefits of Using Filters:

  • Clarity: Helps remove noise from the data, making the visualization more readable.
  • Focused Analysis: Enables targeted investigation of specific process areas.
  • Performance Metrics: Allows for the computation of performance metrics for a particular segment of the process.

Layers in Process Exploration:

Layers are akin to different views or perspectives on the process, showing various aspects or levels of detail. Instead of filtering out data, layers add context or highlight specific dimensions of the process.

Uses of Layers:

  1. Organizational Layers: Display tasks based on organizational units, departments, or roles.
  2. Temporal Layers: Show process events in the order or timeframe in which they occurred.
  3. Frequency Layers: Highlight the most frequently (or infrequently) traveled paths in the process.
  4. Performance Layers: Overlay metrics like processing times, waiting times, or costs on the process map.
  5. Annotation Layers: Add supplementary information or comments to specific parts of the process.

Benefits of Using Layers:

  • Multi-dimensional Analysis: Offers different perspectives on the same process, enabling a comprehensive understanding.
  • Customization: Different stakeholders might be interested in different layers, allowing for tailored presentations and discussions.
  • Contextual Information: Provides supplementary data or context without cluttering the primary process visualization.

In essence, while filters help in narrowing down and focusing on specific segments of the process, layers add depth, context, and multi-dimensionality to the analysis. Both are indispensable tools in the arsenal of process exploration, aiding stakeholders in deriving actionable insights and understanding processes in a holistic manner.